Chemistry: 99,5% SiO2, 0,009% Fe2O3
Particle size: Cristobalite sand D50-value 305 microns.
Charateristics: hard, angular / broken, pH 9, chemical resistant, temperature resistant, electrically insulating, non-flammable, extremely white.
Industry into which this raw material can be used are: quartz composites, kitchen counter tops, bathroom surfaces, stairs, floors and wall cladding, paint & coatings abrasives, construction products, construction chemistry, ceramics, chemistry, consumer products, electronics, energy, oil & gas, fillers, lake components, adhesives, chemical systems, filtration, glass, metallurgy, paint, coating, marine coating, pharmaceuticals, plastics, fireproof, rubber, sports & leisure.
Synonyms: cristobalite sand, cristobalite sand, SiO2.